  • 6. User Authentication

6. User Authentication

User authentication exists throughout the Port-Log site via encrypted web-server management.
Access is managed in two ways:
- Through the administration of privilege levels "User", "Editor" and "Admin".
- Through the authentication of content within specific areas of the  site.
When combined this means that users can access pages, or even certain sections of pages only when authorised under a specific privilege level.
Where the user is not logged in or does not have the required level of privileges they will be presented with the opportunity to login with the required level of privileges.
Additionally a user session will expire after 12 hours should a client PC remain logged in and unattended or for the purpose of issuing modified credentials across the system (change of usernames or passwords).
User authentication is managed under the following two sub-sections:
- Logging in
- Logging out
Please contact OceanWise Support (support@oceanwise.eu) directly if you are experiencing issues with your login, need to reset your password or upgrade your user priveleges (from "User" to "Edit", for example).